
  • What is the Augusta Rule and How Can I Use It?

    What is the Augusta Rule?  RS Section 280A(g), better known as the “Augusta Rule”, is a special rule in the tax code that allows for the rental of a primary residence for less than 15 days per year, the resulting income is deemed non-taxable. By utilizing this regulation in conjunction with a valid business expense,…

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  • Frequently Asked Questions About Starting A Business in Alabama

    FAQs about Starting a Business in Alabama Embarking on a new business venture in Alabama can be a thrilling and fulfilling endeavor, albeit not without its challenges. To ensure a successful launch, it is imperative to undertake the requisite measures to establish a robust framework upon which to build your enterprise. Below we have included…

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  • How to Start a Business in the State of Alabama

    Starting a Business in Alabama Alabama is an attractive destination for entrepreneurs seeking to establish a business, thanks to its favorable tax rates and affordable cost of living. The state’s pro-business approach is evident in its support for small enterprises, which has contributed to the success of numerous firms in recent years. With access to…

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    The Advantages of a Business Trust

    A trust is a legally recognized entity that is established when a grantor confers the right to hold title to property or assets to a trustee for the benefit of designated beneficiaries. Trusts are commonly utilized to safeguard assets for both individuals and businesses. In the case of business owners, trusts serve as a protective…

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  • Tax Tips for Business Owners

    As a busines owner you have many items on your plate and can easily lose track of an approaching deadline or data that you need to submit with your form. Organization is KEY when preparing for the dreaded tax deadline. We have multiple ways to keep you on track this tax season.       1.…

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  • The Basics of Maximizing Your Tax Savings

    It is crucial to plan for taxes as a part of business and personal financial management. It involves making strategic decisions and taking advantage of available opportunities to minimize tax liability while remaining compliant with tax laws. Investing in growth and achieving financial goals can be made easier with effective tax planning, which can lead…

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